
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

36 Weeks = 9 months!!!!!

How have I been feeling?... Great actually! For being 4 weeks out until my due date, I honestly don't feel like it. Yes, I feel big and uncomfortable but not like I was anticipating at all. My feet and ankles are still swelling when I don't put them up, I'm constantly peeing and feeling him move, kick, roll, etc., being asked by everyone I see when I'm due, if it's my first but I really can't complain and I love it. I've been very lucky and blessed throughout this pregnancy with no problems at all other than Edema of my feet.

I had my first bloody nose yesterday. It wasn't bad but I had to shove a tissue up my right nostrel.
One weird thing I have noticed, not sure if it's normal or not, is that my tears sometimes sting! Weird, right? I agree. The first time it happened, I thought it was just something in my tear duct but it happens A LOT now. I should probably research this to see if I am the only one who's ever experienced this.

What am I looking forward to?... A BBQ at work today, miniature golf and lazer tag on Friday (for work) and the Dbacks vs. Giants baseball game on Saturday. We're seeing some people we haven't seen in a LONG time and also asking someone to be our son's God Father! YAY!
Any weight gain?... Not sure, I try to stay off the scale now a days.

How big is baby?.... Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. He now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of his first bowel movement.

How is my body changing??... As women in the grocery store have probably already told you, you look like you could go any minute. And they may be right—your due date just suggests a time when the baby's likely to be born. In reality, you could go into labor any time between now and six weeks from now! Your belly button is becoming flattened, and may even stick out like a wine cork. You may feel a lightening sensation on your ribs and organs as your baby descends into your pelvis. Breathing and eating will be easier, but you'll be running to the bathroom more often than ever, and the change in pressure may cause shooting pains in your groin or leg. If you're aching (and we don't see how you couldn't be), indulge in a pregnancy massage from a professional masseuse, or find a pool, and take a swim. At home, try sitting on an exercise ball to take pressure off of your back.
Sleep?... Still going good other than getting up a couple times a night to pee.

Health?... Great. No complaints!

Cravings?... I can't think of anything this week....

Food Aversions?... None

New Senstation?... Nothing new, really. Just the constant pressure on my bladder.

Next appointment?... This Wednesday for the Strep B test. I can't wait to get that over with and hear that I'm negative (yes, I'm using the power of positive thinking). I just don't want to worry about having to take antibiotics when I'm in labor. BLAH!
So, I have FINALLY set up an interview with a Pediatrician for this Thursday. She is very close to our house and hospital so it'd be very convenient. I hope we both like her and that she's willing to do things the way we want to do them. If not, I'm back to the drawing board!

Still haven't packed my bag yet. HA I packed the diaper bag and the car seat is ready to go so I'm close. We will probably pack 2 bags this weekend, one for me and one for Daddy A.

Funny story.....I had to run to the grocery store last night for seasoning that I thought I had for pasta salad. I didn't bring my phone because the store is literally right behind our house and thought I'd be gone for 5 minutes. Turns out they didn't have what I was looking for so I had to run to another store about a half a mile down the road. When I got home, Daddy A said " I was a little worried about you. You didn't bring your phone and you were gone longer than I thought you'd be so I thought 'honey, right now is not a good time to go into labor when you don't have your phone with you'." HAHAHAHAHA He's so funny!

Here are my pictures....still going strong with no stretch marks! YAY

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