For those who may not know what that signifies, it means that I'm 35 weeks with 35 days until my due date!! WOW! I can't believe how fast we've gotten to this point. Honestly, it's FLOWN by! I feel like I just found out I was pregnant but that was 7 months ago.
How have I been feeling?... Still really good. I think I feel the best I've felt in a long time other than being tired but I can handle that. We've been staying busy so that's been draining my energy levels but my nesting is still going.........trying to get everything in order for the big day!
Braxton Hicks contractions started on Saturday. They don't hurt. They feel like period cramps. I'm kind of excited they have started even though it is NO indication of what's to come.
What am I looking forward to?... My shower on Saturday!!!! I'm soooo excited to have my girl friends over and celebrate my little man.
Any weight gain?... Well, as of this past Wednesday, I had no gained any weight since the previous week so YAY on that one! Still at 28 pounds total!
How big is baby?.... At more than five pounds and between sixteen and twenty inches, your baby is becoming more ready for birth with every passing hour. He's the size of a small roasting chicken. His nervous system and immune system are still maturing, and he's adding the fat that he'll need to regulate his body temperature. But, everything else, from his toenails to the hair on his head, is fully formed. If he were born now, he'd have more than a ninety-nine percent chance of surviving. YAY
How is my body changing??... Your size is probably making you really uncomfortable. You're carrying so much extra weight and fluid that simple things can be tiring. If your job requires sitting all day, take frequent breaks to walk around and stretch your legs (if you have the privacy to lie down for a few minutes or do stretches on your hands and knees, even better). You'll see your care provider once every one or two weeks now. If you have other children, this can be a poignant time, because it is the last few weeks of being a family in the way that you're used to. Don't forget to arrange care for any children or pets for the two to three days you'll be in the hospital. Ask a neighbor to collect your newspapers and mail.
Sleep?... Still getting up to pee A LOT but when I'm asleep, I sleep great. I've been having some crazy dreams though.
Health?... Finally back to normal from that cold I had for about 2-3 weeks.
Cravings?... Still fruit. I just can't get enough of it! Also chocolate..
Food Aversions?... None
New Senstation?... Nothing new, really. Just the constant pressure on my bladder.
Next appointment?... April 13th when I have my Strep B test....that should be fun! HA!
We still have to find a Pediatrician, install car seat bases in both cars, finish ceiling fan in Preston's room, write birth plan, finish painting as much as we can, do quarter rounds in living room and kitchen, completely finish the nursery, pack my bag.....
O.M.G.....Still sooo much to do and I have VERY little time left!!
Here are my pictures....
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