
Monday, April 18, 2011

37 weeks = FULL TERM

First of all....WOW, I'm really considered full term already? Where oh where did the time go? I feel like we just found out that we were expecting! I honestly cannot believe that I have 3 weeks to go until D-Day. I know he could come early (any day) or even a week or so late (we're hoping not) but I just can't wrap my head around the fact that we are having a baby! HA!

How have I been feeling?... Well, I can't say I feel great anymore. I still feel blessed to have VERY little issues but the issues I do have are starting to get to me. My feet hurt and it's not just a once a week kind of things, it's every day! They swell so big, I can't wear any other shoes than flip flops. We went to a baseball game Saturday night and apparently I walked too much because now the bottom of my right foot hurts to put any pressure on it. AH yi yi!!! I keep telling myself I only have a few weeks to go.

What am I looking forward to?... One more week closer to meeting my baby boy and not working for 12 weeks. lol Oh yes, I'm VERY excited to have 3 months off of work even if I'll be "working" while on leave. At least it will be rewarding work.

Any weight gain?... Not sure, I try to stay off the scale now a days.

How big is baby?.... Your baby has likely hit the six-pound mark by now, and her length is approximately twenty-one inches. The weight on your abdomen probably feels like twice that. Your baby is practicing her breathing, but she has increasingly less space to practice stretching and kicking. Your baby' intestines are also building up meconium, a greenish-black substance made of baby by-products such as dead cells, shed lanugo, and amniotic fluid. It'll become your little darling's first bowel movement, hopefully after she is out of the womb. Her body fat has increased to about eight percent. By birth, it'll be about fifteen percent. If your baby is a boy, his testes will have descended into his scrotum. While your baby could be born at any time, the longer she stays in, the more time she has to develop the connections in her brain in the pleasant peace and quiet of your womb. At this point, she can do all the things a newborn can, with the exception of breathing air and pooping in a diaper. Just as you're feeling stretched, your baby is being squeezed on all sides. Some of your antibodies are crossing the placenta, giving your baby's immune system some support for her first days in the world. If you breastfeed, you'll later be giving her immunities in your milk.

How is my body changing??... This week, you may expel the cervical mucus plug, aka "bloody show," at any time. If you're worried about stretch marks, be patient. They'll begin to fade a few months after you deliver. Stretch marks are caused by broken collagen fibers under your skin's surface. The strength of your collagen is genetic, so if your mom got stretch marks, you probably will, too. The hormone relaxin is causing all of the smooth muscle in your body to unclench. You'll feel like you have loose "rag-doll" joints. You're probably having Braxton-Hicks contractions, which you may or may not notice. How can you tell these contractions from the real thing? If you have to ask, they probably aren't. Real contractions grow progressively stronger, more intense, and more regular.

Health?... Great. No complaints!

Cravings?... Ice cream YUM!

Food Aversions?... None

New Senstation?... Constant pressure on my bladder and some serious rib kicks. OUCH!

Next appointment?... Tomorrow. I'm not really sure what will go on at this appointment but either way, I'm excited to hear Preston's heart beat again.

Well, we still haven't packed our bags or finished the birth plan. Procrastination? Yes! I don't know if I feel like it's not going to happen any time soon so I still have some time or if I do these, he will come. Either way, I NEED to get on both of these things!

A friend let me borrow a baby swing so we don't have to buy one. YAY for that! I'm pretty excited we don't have to shell out another $100 on a swing especially not knowing if he'll even like a swing.

We met a Pediatrician last week and we really liked her until we got her view on vaccines sooooooooooooo we're moving on to bigger and better ones. I think I've found one, who has been recommended by 2 friends, but I still want to meet her. I will be calling tomorrow to set up an appointment!

EVERY where I go now, people are asking when I am due. Seriously, there's not one place that someone doesn't ask. I must look big! haha

We talk about whether Mr. Preston is going to have a head of hair or not. I am reaaaaaaaaaaally hoping he comes out looking like he needs a hair cut. I just LOVE babies with a ton of hair! hehe

Well, I think he's starting to drop........................

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