What am I looking forward to.... Having our house to ourselves again, Christmas shopping (I've done none) and finding out the sex in 2 weeks and 1 day! :-)
Any weight gain yet? Haven't weighed myself this week...the scale is at the apartment still. I'm sure I've starting gaining as food isn't an issue anymore. My belly's definitely getting bigger. I've tapped into my hand-me-downs of maternity clothing and found that I LOVE maternity pants. I even bought my own pair yesterday at Kohl's. They are heaven and I really think all pants should have elastic waist bands. lol
How big is baby?... The size of an onion. Our baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.
Sleep?... Still sleeping great but I feel that won't be happening much longer.
Emotions... Irritated....stillSleep?... Still sleeping great but I feel that won't be happening much longer.
Cravings... Ice cream and I made sure to curb that craving Sat. night after we went out to dinner. It was Thrifty ice cream and A-MAZING!!!
Food Aversions... Nothing....YAY!
New sensation.... Nothing new to report...still have huge boobs and the thought of buying new bra's makes me want to vomit.
Next appointment... December 14th TO FIND OUT THE SEX. Yes, we are VERY excited for this! We can't wait to know if we have a he or a she growing inside of me. It'll be great to put a name to the little one and to start buying things. I really want to get the nursery started soon.
I honestly cannot believe I'm 17 weeks. Seems like just yesterday we found out we were blessed with this miracle/blessing. People told me it would go fast but I didn't believe them.....I want the next 2 weeks to go fast so I can see our babe again and find out if we've got a boy or a girl and that he or she is a healthy one but then time can slow down again for a bit.
I need to start calling around to find some information about different classes I can take. I also need to start interviewing Doula's so I can insure I have the one that best fits my personality and birthing desires. There really is a lot that goes into preparing for the birth of your child. It's amazing what is happening inside of me, I'm constantly blown away and so blessed to be able to go through this naturally (ie: no infertility, medical intervention, etc).
Everyone says to relax before the baby comes and that once he or she is here, life will zip right past me. I feel like it already is...I'm 29 for God's sake, when did that happen?? I'm married to a wonderful man, own a home, and we're having a baby. A BABY!!!!! I still can't wrap my head around it and I probably won't for along time! I feel like we haven't had a chance to sit down and really take in the fact that we're expecting a child together. However, Daddy A has started talking to my belly more. Baby A finally has developed ears so he or she most likely can hear us talking to him or her. So sweet!!! :-)
Here are my pictures.........
Sorry folks, I took this weeks picture with a different outfit on, I just couldn't muster up the energy to go upstairs, find the outfit I needed and then change. So, you'll have to do with this outfit. AND, I feel like I look FAT! WOW! It must be the outfit. I swear, I don't look like that in person! haha Is that what they all say?? Also, not quite sure why it looks like I have a saggy booty in the picture on the right! HAHAHAHA
I honestly cannot believe I'm 17 weeks. Seems like just yesterday we found out we were blessed with this miracle/blessing. People told me it would go fast but I didn't believe them.....I want the next 2 weeks to go fast so I can see our babe again and find out if we've got a boy or a girl and that he or she is a healthy one but then time can slow down again for a bit.
I need to start calling around to find some information about different classes I can take. I also need to start interviewing Doula's so I can insure I have the one that best fits my personality and birthing desires. There really is a lot that goes into preparing for the birth of your child. It's amazing what is happening inside of me, I'm constantly blown away and so blessed to be able to go through this naturally (ie: no infertility, medical intervention, etc).
Everyone says to relax before the baby comes and that once he or she is here, life will zip right past me. I feel like it already is...I'm 29 for God's sake, when did that happen?? I'm married to a wonderful man, own a home, and we're having a baby. A BABY!!!!! I still can't wrap my head around it and I probably won't for along time! I feel like we haven't had a chance to sit down and really take in the fact that we're expecting a child together. However, Daddy A has started talking to my belly more. Baby A finally has developed ears so he or she most likely can hear us talking to him or her. So sweet!!! :-)
Here are my pictures.........
Sorry folks, I took this weeks picture with a different outfit on, I just couldn't muster up the energy to go upstairs, find the outfit I needed and then change. So, you'll have to do with this outfit. AND, I feel like I look FAT! WOW! It must be the outfit. I swear, I don't look like that in person! haha Is that what they all say?? Also, not quite sure why it looks like I have a saggy booty in the picture on the right! HAHAHAHA
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