
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finding out the sex.....

Yesterday was the BIG day. The day we had been waiting for since the day we found out we were going to have a baby. 
Our appointment wasn’t until 3:50pm (AZ MST) so the day DRAGGED on while I was at work. I couldn’t concentrate nor could I believe I was going to find out the sex of OUR baby. The baby growing inside of my belly, which let me tell you, is STILL a very surreal feeling for me.
Our little pup, Dexter, had an allergic reaction to a vaccine he got on Monday so I had stayed home with him in the AM and then Daddy A went home to be with him once I went to work. So, we were pretty occupied with that on Monday which made the day go by fast and kind of took our minds off the anxiety of finding out the sex. (Dexter is good now) 
 Daddy A was home before I was yesterday so I picked him up right after work and we headed over to our appointment. We just kept saying how we couldn’t believe we were going to find out WHO was in my belly…. Preston or possibly Emily. It just blew our minds. 
I was already VERY anxious/excited/nervous since we hadn’t seen our peanut since I was 8 weeks along. We just wanted to see a healthy little baby in there and we did plus got to know the sex. What a great day. But, when I get nervous or excited, I have to pee. They told me to drink 32oz’s of water an hour before my ultrasound.…..I had to pee SOO bad, I thought if I had sneezed, I would have peed my pants, no joke. 
So, we waited….and waited….and waited some more, which felt like an eternity. Finally the ultrasound tech comes out and says “Stacy?” I don’t think I could have jumped out of my seat any faster than I did. 
I immediately laid down and pulled my shirt up and pants to my hips, she put the jelly on me (it was warm this time. woohooo) and asked if we wanted to know the sex. My response, “Uh, YES, pleeeeeeease!!!!”.
She started the ultrasound…there’s his head immediately and then down she goes and she went over the genital area very quickly and I saw 2 lines, which were butt bones and said “is it a girl?” She said “I thought you were going to say the other one.” She went back over it and I said “nope, that’s def. not a girl.” HAHA And it wasn’t….it’s a BOY!!!!! 
Daddy A and I both cried. I touched Chris on the shoulder and said “Aww, are you so happy babe?” He was speechless and we cried some more. Not only to know the gender but also to see how different our little boy looked from the last time we had seen him was just so amazing. He looked right at us with his eyes open, kicked me a few times and opened his fists so we could see his fingers. What a precious baby boy we have. 
I am SO in love with him already and I cannot WAIT to see/meet him. What a miraculous day it will be. I can see us right now in the hospital when they put him on my chest and both Daddy A and I are crying tears of joy! I can’t even imagine the joy and love that will come over us that day.
We cannot WAIT for May 2011 to meet out precious little Preston! What a very loved little boy he is already.

Here he is....


  1. Thought we weren't sharing the name............

  2. I am so excited for you and Daddy A! Preston is going to be a cutie pie and so loved by so many people =)

  3. There's just a CERTAIN someone that I don't want to know the name, Mom and you know who that is!

  4. Reading the story made me tear up... I couldn't be happier for you both!!
