
Friday, June 24, 2011

Does it matter the genre of music?

If it will put your child to sleep?

Judge me if you will but my child loves rap and hip hop. If he's cranky and/or tired and just won't go down for his nap or calm down, we just put the iPod on and he's out!

It's quite amazing, I won't lie!

I am so happy that Chris figured this out. In his first 3 weeks of life, he wouldn't just go down if he was tired; he had to be rocked to sleep and sometimes that wouldn't even work. So, one day, Chris put the iPod on and he was instantly happy.

It also helps that we bought a new swing in which he is in love with.

Thank you, Lord, for both music and baby swings.

1 comment:

  1. it's just like the Friends episode with baby got back! lol Hey, whatever makes the little man happy!
