I wish it were different and that I instantly felt normal or like myself after he was born. Everyone warns you of potential Post Partum Depression (PPD) but you really don't understand how your body is going to react to the hormones trying to get back to normal. (Let me clarify....I don't believe I had PPD, my horomones were just all out of wack.)
Honestly, I thought he'd come out, and I'd feel normal. I had a very easy pregnancy when it came to hormones. I never felt crazy, emotional, angry, sad, etc. I felt blessed and in turn thought I'd have no problem once he was born.
I was wrong. I was an emotional wreck. I'd cry and I wouldn't know why. Once my Mom went back to NY, it got even worse. It also didn't help that Preston would cry A LOT the first 2 weeks until we realized he just wasn't getting enough milk from me.
Once 5 weeks hit (last Tuesday), it's like I entered a whole new world. His sleeping got better, he'd go to sleep without having to be rocked, we figured out how much he'd need to eat to be happy, I felt comfortable leaving the house with him by myself, I finally figured out how to shower and get ready when I was home alone with him, and more importantly, I met 2 girls who live very close to me who both have babies within 5 weeks of Preston who I hang out with and talk to about the ups and downs of having a newborn.
Yesterday, I met one of these girls at a Breastfeeding Support Group and then we went to lunch. I came home to Chris, fed Preston, ran to the store, jumped in the pool and had a beer.
Yes, I FINALLY feel human again and I am sooooo happy about it.
If you're a first time Mom and feeling like I did, just know that it will get better, I promise you!
After eating, he's half asleep and as happy as can be....(faces like this make it all worth it)
And so is mommy!
I'm glad you're feeling good :) And that little face is just too cute for words!