How have I been feeling?... Great other than being tired (from lugging this big ol’ belly around) but is that really anything to complain about? I love my big ol’ belly, I love watching Preston move in there and I love watching my belly grow.
What am I looking forward to?... Since I am a couple days late, again, I am sorry, TODAY is the day I have been looking forward to for a long time. I’m on my way back “home”. Home is no longer in NY but I still call it “home” because that was my home for 26.5 years, all of my family and some of my friends live there. It’s where my home is that I grew up in. It is where I know the ins and outs of the “city” and surrounding towns. It is where I could go down almost any street and know where I am going. I can’t yet do that in Arizona and I doubt I ever will seeing as it has over 6 million people living in it.
I am also looking forward to this Saturday, which will be my baby shower with my family and friends that I haven’t seen in WAY too long. I can’t wait to see everyone and celebrate this beautiful life inside of me.
Any weight gain?... Well, this one makes me laugh this week because I weighed myself on Monday morning, knowing I’d be going to the Dr’s later, and I was up 23.5 pounds total. I started at 116.5 and I was at 140 (wowzers) that morning. I always weigh myself when I first get up so there is no food in my stomach and with no clothes on. Hey, I gotta take all that I can. J Of course at the Dr’s, the appointments are typically in the afternoon, after work where I have been eating and sitting all day AND wearing clothes. NOT FAIR! So, needless to say, there was an 8 pound difference….yes, you read that correctly, EIGHT pounds. I said to Daddy A, there’s NO way I gained 8 pounds today, their scale has to be off. So, I’m going with our scale at home because it’s been nicer to me! hehe
How big is baby?.... You baby weighs between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 pounds. She continues to gain weight at a faster pace than she lengthens, which will give her those cute chubby cheeks. She's about fourteen to sixteen inches tall, although individual growth rates vary. Your baby begins to run out of room as she puts on weight. You should feel about ten kicks an hour. Some care providers suggest keeping a "kick chart" by writing down how many kicks you feel in an hour, so that you are aware if there's a decrease in activity. Other care providers may advise that as long as it feels like the baby's active, there's no need to keep notes. If you do sense a decrease in activity, try drinking a large glass of juice. If that doesn't make the baby energized, or makes her less energized than she usually would be, call your care provider
How is my body changing??... By now your sleep is likely compromised, big-time: You probably need to go to the bathroom several times a night and you're also having trouble sleeping because there isn't a comfortable position that works. The "nesting" instinct is likely to kick in soon, if it hasn't already, as you attempt to get everything done while you still can, from tying up loose ends at work and reorganizing closets to baking cookies and sorting socks. Take advantage of your pregnant form and get others to pitch in,
Sleep?... Pretty good....some nights I toss and turn a lot but for the most part it's still good. I've been getting up a lot more to pee though.
Health?... Still great other than the minor cold I had.
Cravings?... Nothing this week
Food Aversions?... None
New Sensation?... My bathroom visitations have increased A LOT! This is due to Preston having moved HEAD DOWN!!! Now, to some, this may not seem like something to be so excited about but when you’ve been told for weeks that he’s breech, you start to worry just a little bit that he won’t move head down for a natural child birth. I have been going to the Chiropractor for a couple weeks where he has been doing the Webster Method to get PGA to rotate. IT WORKED!!! This has caused some pressure in my lower abdomen AND the constant need to pee. I also think I felt it when he moved. My stomach looked like a roller coaster for just a mere 15 seconds and it felt pretty crazy too. I even said out loud “WHAT is he doing in there?”. I’m so incredibly happy that he’s moved to the proper position so that both he and I can have the birthing experience we both need/want.
Next appointment?... March 22nd. I’ve graduated to biweekly visits and in 4 weeks I’ll be going weekly. Wow, I just can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I only have 9 weeks until my due date. That is CRAZY!
We are growing more and more excited, every day, to meet this little boy who has made himself a nice, cozy warm home in my belly. I can’t wait to shower him with all the love I have, to show him to the world, to brag about him, to see Daddy A interact and love him, to introduce him to his big brother, Dexter!!
We had an ultrasound on Monday, the 7th, which was the growth ultrasound. It will be our last time seeing our PGA before he has his big debut into this big world. It was A-MAZING! Immediately she told me that he was head down which is when I screamed a little with excitement. She went on to measure his femur, head, heart rate, the amniotic fluid and then she switched it over to 4D.…….I’m amazed with the technology we have today and it is only growing better and better every day. We got to see him yawn….it was THE cutest thing I think I have ever seen in my life. He put his little head back, just like we do when we yawn, and gave out a big yawn. It must be a hard life inside my belly. *wink wink* He was making the cutest faces and then stuck his hand in front of his face. *little stinker* She shook my belly a little so that he would move and he did. I have to say, he has the most precious little face, cutest nose and lips and I cannot WAIT to kiss them! No chubby cheeks, so that’s good. I don’t want a big ol’ baby coming out!
They guessed he was weighing about 3 pounds 10 oz’s and will gain a half a pound a week from now on, which would make him over 8 pounds. As we all know, these guesses are merely just that, a guess. I have yet to hear a Dr. tell someone just about how big their baby is and they be right. I was 7 pounds and Chris was 6 pounds and something so my guess is that he will be in the 7 pound range.
Enough of that…………here are my pictures along with some ultrasound pictures. ENJOY!
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