
Monday, February 28, 2011

30 Weeks - WOW

How have I been feeling?... Pretty good. My ankles have decided to not swell as much as they have been. YAY to that! My back still hurts along with my right rib but those are only minor things, right?! It could be WAY worse. I'm also getting over a slight cold....grrr. I was really hoping to go through the entire pregnancy without one since I never get sick!
I've been going to the Chiro also for the past 2 weeks to get Mr. Preston to rotate....we'll see where is he on the 7th.

What am I looking forward to?... Monday the 7th, our growth ultrasound and we get to meet the other Midwife, going back home to visit my family in 9 days (but who's counting), my shower back home with family and friends, being in the HOME stretch of this pregnancy. I honestly cannot believe I'm 30 weeks!

Any weight gain?... I didn't weigh myself this morning because I went to a baby shower yesterday and ate too much! haha So, I am sure I have but I won't report back until the 7th!

How big is baby?.... Our baby's length is about 16 inches—about as long as a laptop computer—and he measures almost 11 inches from crown to rump. He weighs approximately 2 1/2 to 3 pounds. From now until delivery, every baby will gain weight at a more individual rate. Our baby has doubled in height over the past six weeks, and from now until delivery, he'll gain only a few more inches in length. Don't worry if he's in a strange position (what your care provider might call a "transverse lie"). There's still plenty of time for him to get settled into the head-down (cephalic) position for birth. He's floating in about 1 1/2 pints of amniotic fluid and has some room to move. Our baby's most important organ, his brain, continues to develop at a rapid pace. His eyes are able to track light, and some researchers have theorized that exposing your belly to light may stimulate development. Try moving the beam of a flashlight slowly over your belly in a dim room, and see if he reacts.

How is my body changing??... I've now been officially pregnant for seven months, and the home stretch is in sight. You're big now, no doubt about it! Your belly is about the size of a watermelon. Tying your shoes is a challenge, and you may already have adopted the pregnant "waddle."

Sleep?... Pretty good....some nights I toss and turn a lot but for the most part it's still good. I've been getting up alot more to pee though.

Health?... Still great other than the minor cold I had.

Cravings?... Girl Scout cookies! MMMMMMMMMMMMM

Food Aversions?... None

New Senstation?... Tons and tons of's getting so crazy that I can see body parts move across my belly. I don't know which ones they are but it's very strange. lol

Next appointment?... March 7th and we can't WAIT! It'll be our last ultrasound and it's all in 3D so I can't wait to see what he looks like!!!

And my weekly pictures!

 With regular clothes on, I really don't look as big as the blue shirt makes me look. This view also makes me look pretty skinny! lol

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unsolicited advice........

·         It’s always given yet never asked for…………..
·         99% of the time it’s negative advice rather than positive
Here are the few that I’ve been given since becoming pregnant and I am SURE I am forgetting some but I will blame that on being pregnant. ;-)
·         Get your sleep now because you won’t sleep again for the next 18 years
o   Really, people? I’m never going to get a good night sleep for the next 18 years? I highly doubt that! Daddy A and I will work together to ensure we’re both getting the sleep we need. Granted, it may not be that we both get a good night sleep together but if we can coordinate it so we alternate then I am ok with that.
·         Sleep when the baby sleeps
o   As good as this sounds I don’t find that this will always work. There will always be something that needs to be done especially in the first few months of Preston’s life. I will be home for approximately 12 weeks which will be mostly by myself. I will have to do things while he is asleep because 1) I won’t want to put him down when he is awake and 2) how can you get much done when he IS awake and wants to be attached to your boob all day?
·         Date nights will basically be non-existent
o   Now, I know that our date nights will be less frequent but non-existent is a bit extreme, don’t ya think? Luckily, I have made some great friends here who I would trust watching my son. We also plan to look into other babysitters, possibly high school kids, for nights when we want to go out and we need someone close. We will make the time to have Mommy & Daddy time together.
·         Your body will never be the same as it was pre-pregnancy
o   This, I know and understand. It goes through a TON of changes the second fertilization happens. How can it possibly go back to the way it was before all that started? I’m willing to take that sacrifice for my child and future children.
·         “Oh, you’re doing cloth? I tried that and soon realized it was too hard/time consuming/annoying/gross but good luck.”
o   Why is that when you express what you want/don’t want to do with your child that is not part of the “norm”, people give you a look like you have 2 heads or that you’re completely and utterly crazy? I always want to remind them that it is OUR child, not theirs. They will have their time to do as they please when they have their own child or if they already did then they chose to do things their way because it was what fit best for them and their child.
o   Yes, we understand cloth diapering is going to be a bit harder than disposables especially in the beginning but we are up for the challenge for many reasons. All reasons that Daddy A and I have discussed and decided are worth it to us and our baby.
o   So, why/how does it affect others and why is everyone so ready to judge you because you aren’t doing things the way they would/did?
·         “Just get the epidural” or “we’ll see how you are when you’re in labor with no epidural”
o   Oh, this one just IRKS me to no end! Nobody knows how I am going to act when I am in labor, not even myself, so to tell me “we’ll see how you are when you’re in labor with no epidural” is extremely RUDE in my opinion.
o   Again, this is MY body and OUR child so it has NO affect on anyone else but us. Just because “you” couldn’t or didn’t want to try to go med-free, doesn’t mean that I have to subject myself and my baby to an epidural or that I can’t try to do it “naturally”.
o   We have prepared ourselves to have a med-free birth and we’re also continuing to prepare ourselves. We are training my body now so that when the time comes, it’s as easy as pie.
o   This will be a whole other post in and of itself because I could go on and on about this subject so that post will be coming soon.
Why is it that “we”, as a society, focus on the negative and not the positive? Everyone’s willing to give you advice on things but I never hear how amazing your life becomes when you have a child of your own.
I am MORE than excited to birth this baby, to care for him, love him, watch him grow, smell and kiss him, etc. I know it’s not easy but what is easy in life? If everything were easy, wouldn’t life be pretty boring??
I know that the advice has yet to really come and once Preston is here, I will get even MORE unsolicited advice. I just hope that people will soon realize that Preston is OUR child and we want the best for him. We would never do anything to cause him harm or put him in danger.
I may just stop telling people all together what we plan on doing with the birth and our baby. Now, how sad is that?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

29 Weeks

I'm a day late with posting this and I blame it on the fact that I flew home yesterday and was exhausted. Oh, and the fact that I got caught up in The Bachelor and couldn't be pulled away. Hey, don't judge me! ;-)

How have I been feeling?... Pretty good. Exhausted....still?....again? I don't know which one it is. They (the experts) say exhaustion usually comes back in the 3rd trimester. My guess is due to all the weight we're carrying around. It's not easy, folks. Losing your breath just from getting into your car, putting your pants on, shaving your legs, etc. My feet have been swelling again/still. They were extremely bad on Friday when I flew into Cali. They seriously looked like feet of a 400 pound person. LOL

What am I looking forward to?... My friends baby shower this Sunday and my trip to NY in 2 weeks from tomorrow! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!

Any weight gain?... Not sure....I ate a decent amount this past weekend so I'm sure I did but I refused to weigh myself this morning. haha

How big is baby?.... Your baby is about two and a half pounds and would be between fifteen and seventeen inches tall if she could stand. Your baby's adrenal glands are producing a chemical which will be made into estriol (a form of estrogen) by the placenta. This estriol is thought to stimulate the production of prolactin by your body, and the prolactin makes you produce milk. So even if your baby comes early, you'll still be able to breastfeed. (YAY) Each passing week improves the likelihood that your baby will be born strong and healthy. His brain can detect rhythmic breathing and control body temperature, so he's less likely to need breathing assistance should he be born early. He's growing eyelashes, adding fat, and developing his brain. Because of brain wave activity, researchers have speculated that babies can even dream at this time!

How is my body changing??...
As the levels of prolactin increase in your body, your breasts may secrete colostrum, which can dampen your bra. Prolactin also has a sedating effect, and you may feel the need to take naps the way you did in the first trimester. Your uterus is now in a position where it exerts pressure on your bladder. Your frequent trips to the bathroom may also remind you of the first trimester. If you can, keep up your swimming, walking, yoga, or other non-weight bearing exercise, though you're not feeling as energetic (and as comfortable) as you did last trimester.

Since I'm having a MW, we don't do kickcounts. She suggests that I call if I don't feel the baby within a 4 hour period. Luckily, I don't have that problem. I feel him ALL the time!

Sleep?... Still pretty good but I attribute that to the exhaustion that I'm having and that we have a NEW bed! YAY! I'm still tossing and turning and getting up to pee at least once a night, some times I can hold out but it's getting harder to do that.

Health?... Still great. I've been very lucky.

Cravings?... Ummm, nothing this week, I don't think.

Food Aversions?... None

New Senstation?... I'm feeling body parts move across my belly. It's weird, crazy, exciting, etc. I still can't believe there's a baby in my belly and will be here in about 11ish weeks, give or take a couple.

Next appointment?... March 7th for our last ultrasound. It's the growth ultrasound which is ALL in 3D and I cannot WAIT for this appointment.

This past weekend was my joint shower with my Sister-in-law in California. She is getting married in July so we decided to do a joint shower so we'd only have to fly to Cali once. It was fun and I'm glad I got to share it with her. I will post pictures of that in a separate post.
Here's my weekly pictures.....

Monday, February 14, 2011

28 weeks - YAY 3rd Trimester

Wow, I'm REALLY in my 3rd trimester already? I'm in the home stretch! It's SO crazy!!! I honestly cannot believe how fast it's gone by! I am in my 7th month as of today! Unbelievable!!

How have I been feeling?... Pretty good.....I really can't complain, I've had it pretty darn good. I still have swelling in my ankles and feet if I'm on them for too long but it goes away when I elevate my feet so that's good. My right rib still hurts but that's only when I sit. It hasn't gotten any worse, thank God. One thing that has been annoying me since getting pregnant is the increased amount of boogers. WOW, I can't go an hour without having to blow my nose. When I wake up I can hardly breathe because I'm so stuffed up. Hopefully I will resume to normal boogers once I'm no longer pregnant. Other than these small things, I've had very few issues. I feel lucky to have a wonderful, beautiful, healthy baby boy growing inside of me.

What am I looking forward to?... Having a four day weekend. I'm headed to Northern Cali to my In-laws for a joint shower with my sister-in-law. She's getting married in July and it was just easiest for both of us to have one shower so we didn't have to plan 2 trips back (she lives in Washington). It should be fun but Daddy A can't come so I will be sad to be away from him for 4 days and my pup but our pup needs him here more than I need him to go with me.

Any weight gain?... Not since last week so that's great. YAY! Still at 23 pounds total.

How big is baby?.... Our baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to hos heels. He can open and close his eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before he's batting those beauties at us. His sucking and swallowing skills are improving. He has been gaining weight steadily during the past 27 weeks as ihis stem cells develop into organs, blood and immune systems, and bones. However, from this point forward, our baby's weight gain will be due to increasing amounts of body fat. His body fat is about 2 to 3 percent. Our baby would have a very good chance of surviving a premature delivery if born today, but preemies are relatively rare thanks to modern obstetrical care (lets pray this doesn't happen). Baby's lungs are now capable of breathing air! This is big news. It means if the baby is born from now on, he'll be able to survive with less medical intervention. Your baby's main job right now is to put the finishing touches on major organ systems, such as her brain, lungs, and liver.

How is my body changing??... You're getting larger, and as you get larger, you become more uncomfortable. Your legs may ache or cramp, it's hard to get a good sleeping position, and the baby is big enough to give you some sharp kicks to the ribs! Remember that hot weather, standing for long periods of time, or low blood sugar can make you prone to dizziness and fainting. Drink water, and stay in the shade if you're pregnant in the summer. If you know you're having a boy, you and your partner may be battling over circumcision. Consider doing research on the procedure, talking to your baby's future pediatrician for her views, and talking to other parents to see how they resolved the issue.

Sleep?... Pretty good....some nights I toss and turn a lot. If I sleep on my right side, I get all swollen and I'm not supposed to lie on my back for long which only leaves me with my left side and I can only stay there for so long. I got a horrible leg cramp this week...I haven't had one of those in years. It wasn't fun!

Health?... Still great. I've been very lucky.

Cravings?... Chocolate. OMG, I can't get it off my mind. And a hot dog. lol

Food Aversions?... None

New Senstation?... He's VERY very active. I feel him almost all day, every day and I love it! I talk to him at least once a day and tell him how excited I am to meet him but that he can't come until after May 3rd, which is when my Mom's coming. YAY!

Next appointment?... March 7th for our last ultrasound. It's the growth ultrasound which is ALL in 3D and I cannot WAIT for this appointment. We also get to meet the new Midwife who's from England. YAY for having 2 MW's available now.

Here's my weekly pictures..... I just had to take one outside! :-)

 We also hung Preston's letters in his nursery. I LOVE how they turned out....

                             This picture makes the letters look a lot lighter than they really are. The top picture is more true to the color.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

When is your baby due?

Yesterday we had a looooong and eventful day......................of car shopping! YUCK, right?! Well, Daddy A had a 1995 Isuzu Rodeo that was on it's VERY last leg. It was louder than a freight train and would barely go when you stepped on the gas. We drove her (well, HE drove her) until he couldn't drive her any more.

We moved here in May 2009 and shortly after, I had gotten a ticket for "not stopping completely at a stop sign" when in reality, I think it was becasue I had NY plates on. The Rodeo wouldn't pass emissions and it just wasn't worth fixing so we drove it until the day the NY registration was up.....YESTERDAY! haha Talk about procrastination, I know!

So, we went to Carmax out in Tulleson/Avondale because we've heard great things about them. We found a black 2008 Saturn Aura XE with 37K miles on it. We test drove it and fell in love. We needed something bigger than the Corolla to accomodate Preston and future children. Well, we didn't want to buy the first car we drove so we decided to go over to the big dealerships across the street. Long story short, we had NO luck.

That means, we go back to Carmax and tell them we want the car. Easy as pie! HA, not really. The guy that was helping us was helping another couple buy a car so we went to lunch and when we got back he was STILL helping them. We waited for a little bit thinking he'd be done soon when we asked if someone else could start the process. We didn't have all day, geez. Plus, my feet were starting to look like feet on a 400 pound person, no joke.

A big guy, named Gavin, helped us and it took WAY longer than it should have and way longer than we WANTED it to. BUT, we got the car and it's a beauty!!! We really like her. After we've been driving her for a while we will give her a name.

Here's our new beauty.........

                                                                       We loooooove her! She's a smooth ride!
When we were at VW looking to see if they had anything in our price range, we went inside because it was a nice 76 degrees outside and I was dying of thirst. An older lady asked me "When is your baby due?" and then processed to tell me how many grandchildren she has and that she even has a great grandchild.

The sales lady at VW also asked if it was our first, what we were having, how far along I was......
This was the first time a stranger had asked me anything about my belly. It was kind of fun because there's no doubt that my belly is a baby belly so I think people feel comfortable asking about it now. I really thought it would have happend a while ago. HUH! lol

Friday, February 11, 2011


Monday I had an appointment. This was not like all my other appointments where I'm really excited to go in, see my progress, get an ultrasound, hear the heartbeat, etc. I had to do the dreaded GLUCOSE test. Oh yes, I've heard wonderful things about this test (insert sarcasm).

Not only did I have to do that but I also had to get my Rhogam shot. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, let me explain it.....

My blood type is B- which means that I do not have the Rh factor antigen on my red blood cells.

When Rh negative blood is exposed to Rh positive blood the Rh negative person begins producing antibodies to fight the invading blood. Antigens trigger your body to produce antibodies. Antibodies are usually a good thing and serve to protect a person from foreign invaders.

Now the problem lies when a pregnant women is carrying a baby that is Rh positive. If the mother has antibodies to the Rh antigen, those antibodies can attack the baby's red blood cells. This can lead to complications to the baby including anemia, jaundice, and other blood related problems.

Rh incompatibilities can be prevented and treated.
Part of the normal blood work up for the pregnant woman is testing for blood type and Rh factor. Her blood is also checked for the presence of Rh antibodies. If antibodies are present, the mother has already been exposed to RH positive blood at some point in her life and her body already has antibodies to the Rh factor. Treatment for Rh incompatibilities may be necessary.

Rh factor incompatibility can be prevented by administration of the RhoGAM shot. Because baby's blood does not usually mix with the mother's until birth, first pregnancies usually have no risk for problems to baby. During birth, bits of the baby's blood will mix with the mother's blood. The RhoGAM shot should be given within 72 hours of birth. This shot will stop the mother from developing antibodies to the Rh factor. Because there is a slight risk of placental tears during the later part of pregnancy, the RhoGAM shot is often given at 28 weeks of pregnancy as well. If your baby's blood type is Rh negative, the RhoGAM shot is not necessary.

So, I had to get the shot and I will have to get another one after PGA is born so that I won't develop antibodies for future babies. Let me tell you, that shot HURT!

Ok, now back to the glucose test....

This was the first thing I had to do when I got to my appointment. I signed in and went straight back to drink the dreaded orange drink. She gave it to me and said I had to drink it in less than 5 minutes. I took a big gulp and thought to myself "oh, well, this isn't so bad. I actually kind of like it" but the more and more I drank, it started to taste NASTY!!! I felt like it was building up on the back of my tongue. EW! Now, I had to wait an hour before I could get my blood drawn.

So, I finished that and then had my regular appointment with my Midwife. There was a student Nurse Practitioner in there so she did most of the appointment. She measured my belly, which I was measuring at 26 weeks but I was actually 27. This could be good.....I'm hoping it means he won't be a big baby. They said my weight, BP and everything looked normal and good. BIG sigh of relief.

Then I had to sit in the waiting room and wait for my hour to be up so I could have them draw my blood to test it for high levels of sugar. I began to read my Hypnobirthing book. I didn't get very far before my time was up. They took 5, count them, FIVE vials of blood. WOW, I couldn't believe they needed that much. The phlebotomist said she has to tell me it takes 5-7 days but usually it's a lot quicker for the results.

I got my Rhogam shot, made my next appointment for March 7th where we get to see PGA one more time for a full 3D ultrasound and then I left.

Yesterday, Thursday February 10th, I got a call that my results were in and to call them back. I was nervous, I'm not going to lie. I've eaten pretty darn good the past 27 weeks but I've heard many women fail the first test (1 hour) and have to go back for the 3 hour test. I REALLY didn't want to do that at all.

I called back and she said "we got your results back and everything look normal". YAAAAAAAAY! I even said that to her. What a relief. I PASSED MY GLUCOSE TEST!!! No gestational diabetes for this girl!!! :-)

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Nursery is starting to feel like a nursery....

We've had the crib for quite a while now but were on the hunt for a dresser/changing table. I REALLY wanted the one that matched the crib but JCPenney wanted to charge $184 for SHIPPING so I said forget that, we'll find something else.

I searched and searched and searched some more on line and couldn't find what I was looking for, for a decent price so we decided to check out Ikea. A few people had mentioned they got a dresser at Ikea for $149 and they loved it so we decided to check it out. Well, we got that dresser and a cube shelf.

I was SO excited to get home and put them together. Of course, Daddy A wasn't quite as excited as I was and wanted to wait a little bit. Well, I just couldn't wait so I dove right in to the cube shelf. How hard could this be for me? I love putting things together! Well, good thing Daddy A was home because he ended up putting it together. I didn't have the muscles to do it myself! We did that on Satuday and then Sunday morning we put the dresser together. Again, good thing Daddy A was willing to help because this thing required muscles too. Sheesh!

I love them both and I'm very excited that we're so close to having the nursery ALMOST done. It probably won't be completely done until closer to when he's born but we have the big stuff so that's all that matters, really!

The glider & ottoman should be coming this week (I hope) or early next week. Once that's up, I will probably just sit in there, rocking myself, and day dreaming about holding my precious baby boy!! It's really starting to feel more real every day!

Here are a few pictures!

                                              Valence with the cube shelf and lamp shade.

                                                     Daddy putting the dresser together!!


                                                  The nursery thus far from the doorway.

 Cube shelf with pregnancy statue (can't remember the name of it) and PGA's books from Grandma!

The dresser with part of the bedding. It's supposed to go on the changing table and can hold diapers, wipes, diaper cream, etc.

27 weeks - last week in my 2nd trimester

How have I been feeling?... Well, I guess it's the same ol' same ol' back hurts, my right rib hurts, my ankles swell at random times, I can't wear my engagement or wedding rings :-( , etc. Other than these minor complaints, I really don't have any others. I've been truly blessed!!

What am I looking forward to?... Getting our glider & ottoman (hopefully) sometime this week. I'm just dying to get it in his room so I can sit there, relax, and take it all in.

Any weight gain?... I think about 23 pounds so far which is normal they tell me so that makes me happy but I'm also worried I'm going to gain a bunch more in my 3rd tri!

How big is baby?.... This week, our baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his legs extended. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

How is my body changing??... The weight of your baby is putting pressure on your back, which can cause shooting pains (sciatica) in your lower back and legs. Lifting, bending, and walking can make the pain worse. Warm baths, ice packs, and changing positions may help. The volume of your amniotic fluid is reduced by about half. With less cushioning blocking the view, you'll be able to see bony knees and elbows poking out of your stomach when the baby kicks and turns. As you grow, you may start to see stretch marks on your breasts and abdomen. You may also have a hard time bending over and tying your shoes. Your heart rate may have increased, causing you to feel flush and look winded with less exertion.

Sleep?... Still pretty good and I'm very happy about this. Yes, it's harder but it's not bad by any means.

Health?... Still great. I've been very lucky.

Cravings?... Hmmm, can't think of anything this week.

Food Aversions?... None

New Senstation?... He's becoming A LOT more active and his kicks and/or punches are sometimes startling. Daddy A felt him punch pretty hard yesterday after I had a sip of caffeine free soda. It was almost instantly, it was crazy.

Next appointment?... March 7th for our last ultrasound. It's the growth ultrasound which is ALL in 3D and I cannot WAIT for this appointment. We also get to meet the new Midwife who's from England. YAY for having 2 MW's available now.

We got some more things done in the nursery but I'm going to do a separate post for that.

Here are my pictures. I'm looking pointier and less like the letter D and more like the letter B (my belly that is) and I'm not sure why but I don't really like it. lol

OH, I also got a comment yesterday "wow, you got twins in there?"
SERIOUSLY!?!?! I am not big by any means....well, I don't think I am and then I hear that. Oh man, it kind of made my blood boil a little!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

You grow up thinking getting pregnant is as easy as pie until you actually start trying and realize it really isn’t (for some). Then once you get pregnant you think your pregnancy will be smooth sailing from the beginning to end. I mean, do you really have any other reason to think it wouldn’t be? Especially if you’ve been a healthy person your whole life, prepared yourself and your body for the day you got that BFP (big fat positive) and continued to eat well throughout the duration of your pregnancy.  You truly believe that you’re going to be the model of what a pregnant person should be or look like.
Well, let me tell you this… should always expect the unexpected. Now, what I’m about to talk about is nothing too worrisome but for me, I mean us, we definitely were NOT expecting this at all. Out of all things that happen in a pregnancy THIS was the last one I ever would have thought would be an issue during my pregnancy………………
“Oh, he’s breech” says the Nurse Practitioner at our group class last night. UGH!  Say WHAT?!?! “Really?”  
She says “oh yeah, want to feel his head?”
I jumped right on that question, OF COURSE I do!!!! She put my hands on either side of his head and wiggled a little. It was SO tiny but so amazing to be able to feel a body part. I can feel him when I lie down but I don’t know what body part I am touching.
So, here we are folks, at about 26.5 weeks along and our baby boy is breech. Now, this really ISN’T too much of a concern right now as we have A LOT of time for him to move into prime position aka, head down facing the back side of my body which makes it easier for both me and the baby. If he is head down but facing my pubic bone, it may cause me to have back labor, which I hear is NOT fun at all.
Anyways, the NP gave me an exercise to try every day at home for about 10 minutes to see if he will move on his own.  Also, I’m going to tell my Chiropractor about it as he said when I first told him I was pregnant that if the baby was breech, he had one simple adjustment he could do that would make the baby turn into the proper position. I’m going to hold him to it! I haven’t been to him in a few weeks either and I really need to.
Don’t worry folks, we are determined to get little Preston into the right position for healthy and easy delivery. I will keep you updated!