
Monday, February 14, 2011

28 weeks - YAY 3rd Trimester

Wow, I'm REALLY in my 3rd trimester already? I'm in the home stretch! It's SO crazy!!! I honestly cannot believe how fast it's gone by! I am in my 7th month as of today! Unbelievable!!

How have I been feeling?... Pretty good.....I really can't complain, I've had it pretty darn good. I still have swelling in my ankles and feet if I'm on them for too long but it goes away when I elevate my feet so that's good. My right rib still hurts but that's only when I sit. It hasn't gotten any worse, thank God. One thing that has been annoying me since getting pregnant is the increased amount of boogers. WOW, I can't go an hour without having to blow my nose. When I wake up I can hardly breathe because I'm so stuffed up. Hopefully I will resume to normal boogers once I'm no longer pregnant. Other than these small things, I've had very few issues. I feel lucky to have a wonderful, beautiful, healthy baby boy growing inside of me.

What am I looking forward to?... Having a four day weekend. I'm headed to Northern Cali to my In-laws for a joint shower with my sister-in-law. She's getting married in July and it was just easiest for both of us to have one shower so we didn't have to plan 2 trips back (she lives in Washington). It should be fun but Daddy A can't come so I will be sad to be away from him for 4 days and my pup but our pup needs him here more than I need him to go with me.

Any weight gain?... Not since last week so that's great. YAY! Still at 23 pounds total.

How big is baby?.... Our baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to hos heels. He can open and close his eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before he's batting those beauties at us. His sucking and swallowing skills are improving. He has been gaining weight steadily during the past 27 weeks as ihis stem cells develop into organs, blood and immune systems, and bones. However, from this point forward, our baby's weight gain will be due to increasing amounts of body fat. His body fat is about 2 to 3 percent. Our baby would have a very good chance of surviving a premature delivery if born today, but preemies are relatively rare thanks to modern obstetrical care (lets pray this doesn't happen). Baby's lungs are now capable of breathing air! This is big news. It means if the baby is born from now on, he'll be able to survive with less medical intervention. Your baby's main job right now is to put the finishing touches on major organ systems, such as her brain, lungs, and liver.

How is my body changing??... You're getting larger, and as you get larger, you become more uncomfortable. Your legs may ache or cramp, it's hard to get a good sleeping position, and the baby is big enough to give you some sharp kicks to the ribs! Remember that hot weather, standing for long periods of time, or low blood sugar can make you prone to dizziness and fainting. Drink water, and stay in the shade if you're pregnant in the summer. If you know you're having a boy, you and your partner may be battling over circumcision. Consider doing research on the procedure, talking to your baby's future pediatrician for her views, and talking to other parents to see how they resolved the issue.

Sleep?... Pretty good....some nights I toss and turn a lot. If I sleep on my right side, I get all swollen and I'm not supposed to lie on my back for long which only leaves me with my left side and I can only stay there for so long. I got a horrible leg cramp this week...I haven't had one of those in years. It wasn't fun!

Health?... Still great. I've been very lucky.

Cravings?... Chocolate. OMG, I can't get it off my mind. And a hot dog. lol

Food Aversions?... None

New Senstation?... He's VERY very active. I feel him almost all day, every day and I love it! I talk to him at least once a day and tell him how excited I am to meet him but that he can't come until after May 3rd, which is when my Mom's coming. YAY!

Next appointment?... March 7th for our last ultrasound. It's the growth ultrasound which is ALL in 3D and I cannot WAIT for this appointment. We also get to meet the new Midwife who's from England. YAY for having 2 MW's available now.

Here's my weekly pictures..... I just had to take one outside! :-)

 We also hung Preston's letters in his nursery. I LOVE how they turned out....

                             This picture makes the letters look a lot lighter than they really are. The top picture is more true to the color.

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