You grow up thinking getting pregnant is as easy as pie until you actually start trying and realize it really isn’t (for some). Then once you get pregnant you think your pregnancy will be smooth sailing from the beginning to end. I mean, do you really have any other reason to think it wouldn’t be? Especially if you’ve been a healthy person your whole life, prepared yourself and your body for the day you got that BFP (big fat positive) and continued to eat well throughout the duration of your pregnancy. You truly believe that you’re going to be the model of what a pregnant person should be or look like.
Well, let me tell you this… should always expect the unexpected. Now, what I’m about to talk about is nothing too worrisome but for me, I mean us, we definitely were NOT expecting this at all. Out of all things that happen in a pregnancy THIS was the last one I ever would have thought would be an issue during my pregnancy………………
“Oh, he’s breech” says the Nurse Practitioner at our group class last night. UGH! Say WHAT?!?! “Really?”
She says “oh yeah, want to feel his head?”
I jumped right on that question, OF COURSE I do!!!! She put my hands on either side of his head and wiggled a little. It was SO tiny but so amazing to be able to feel a body part. I can feel him when I lie down but I don’t know what body part I am touching.
So, here we are folks, at about 26.5 weeks along and our baby boy is breech. Now, this really ISN’T too much of a concern right now as we have A LOT of time for him to move into prime position aka, head down facing the back side of my body which makes it easier for both me and the baby. If he is head down but facing my pubic bone, it may cause me to have back labor, which I hear is NOT fun at all.
Anyways, the NP gave me an exercise to try every day at home for about 10 minutes to see if he will move on his own. Also, I’m going to tell my Chiropractor about it as he said when I first told him I was pregnant that if the baby was breech, he had one simple adjustment he could do that would make the baby turn into the proper position. I’m going to hold him to it! I haven’t been to him in a few weeks either and I really need to.
Don’t worry folks, we are determined to get little Preston into the right position for healthy and easy delivery. I will keep you updated!
That's awesome that you got to feel a body part and actually know what part it is!! :) Fingers crossed that your little guy turns himself into the right position - I'm sure he will!