So, 40 minutes had passed, I got out of the shower and into bed. I looked at my Mom and said "I don't want to do this anymore." She laughed and said she'd been waiting for that. It was 1:30am at this point.
Janice checked me, said I was 8-9 cm's and the bag was still bulging. She broke it and within a mintue or two the surges got EXTREMELY intense. I would stay "Holy Shit" and then go into my Hypnobirthing and gain control of them. I destroyed those damn surges. haha
For the next hour Janice talked calmly to me saying my Hypnobirthing affirmations. I laod on my left side just breathing and moaning through them. As my breathing changed and I began to bear down, Janice said, "She's 10cm's. Let's have a baby."
At 2:35am, Janice felt that since lying on my left side was working fo rme, she had me start pushing on that side while Chris held my leg. After a few tries, she had me move to my right side. Preston's heartrate showed he didn't really like that side so back to the left side I went. No progress was being made so Janice had me try on my back for a while. I worked really hard but that wasn't working either. Then I got on all 4's and pushed hard but that didn't help so Janice told Chris to take me to the bathroom and do 3 pushes on the toilet.
I walked back to the bed and Janice had me push some more on my back. STILL no progress so Janice then hooked up the squatting bar to the bed, wrapped a sheet over the bar, and had me put my feet on the sides as I pushed and pulled on the sheet.
At this point Janice told the nurst to be sure the on-call OB/GYN did not leave the hospital. She told my Mom there was plenty of room for me to deliver the baby and either the baby was stuck on my tailbone or his shoulder was hung up. She said I had a strangely shaped tailbone and thought that was the problem.
Around 4am Janice left the room for about 10 minutes and when she came back she said to me, "Okay, it's time for me to make you not pregnant anymore and for you to not like me." She said she felt Preston was having trouble getting past the tailbone so she had to put BOTH hands inside of me during each surge and pushed down as hard as she could to get the tailbone out of the way.
Let me tell you....THAT was the worst part of everything. I whimpered and told her to take them out. She said, "Nope, push my hands out." I knew I had to get him out ASAP to end the pain of this.
At this point, I was getting extremely exhausted so they gave me an IV of Lactated Ringers to try to give me energy.
I said I wanted the baby out and Janice said, "Do you want a c-section and just get it over with?' I'm not sure if she was being serious or just trying to get me to focus but I immediately said "NO" so I got back into pushing and Janice got back into me. All of a suddent, Janice said, "Now we're getting there." My Mom looked and there was long dark hair beginning to show. I pushed like a mad woman. Pretty soon that little black haired head crowned. Janice asked if Chris and I wanted to feel his head. I said no but Chris said ok and then once he did, I did too and said "ew". haha
Then......his head popped out. Janice told me to stop pushing as the cord was wrapped around once, she unwrapped it, pushed one more time and his whole body came out. He came out SCREAMING!
Janice put the most beautiful baby boy on my chest and once I started talking to him, he stopped crying. He stayed on my chest for quite a while, until his cord stopped pulsing. Once it did, she clamped it and Chris cut it. He was then taken over to the warming station to be weighed, measured and what not as I got cleaned up.
What an amazing day/night. We were so happy he was finally here and perfectly healthy and that I got the labor & birthing experience that I wanted.
7 pounds 6 oz's of perfection
She seriously was AMAZING! I hope to God she delivers our next child. She gave us this little shirt too. SO cute!
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