
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

6 weeks

I was 6 weeks as of Sunday, September 19th.

We were in Northern California visiting Daddy A's family and Daddy A was in a wedding on the 18th as well. We hadn't told any of his family yet so we were really looking forward to sharing the news with his family. I will do another post about all that.

So, Sunday I make 6 weeks and the nausea hits FULL force. I was feeling so sick Sunday, the whole ride home on Monday and realllllly bad today at work. I was on the verge of crying until my friend Sarah saved my day. She brought me some Organic apple slices and I was surprised at how well they settlled my stomach. Thanks Sarah!! Oh, and I went out and bought my own during lunch. hehe

How am I feeling?....Well, I wish I could say I was feeling good but I'm not. :-( I wake up feeling nauseas and it doesn't really go away. The only time I feel ok is when I'm sleeping. ha I wish I could just sleep the first trimester away. I know, I know, I shouldn't wish any of this pregnancy to go faster because it'll be over before I know it.

What's been on my mind?....Other than the neasea, you mean? Just keep thinking about the first ultrasound. Also, been thinking about the birthing process and preparing myself to go au-naturale. Yes, with NO pain medication. I am planning to prepare myself in every way possible so that when the time comes, I am in the right mind set. I know I can do it. Many Many MANY women have done it so I know I can too! I will have many people there encouraging me as well; Midwife, Doula, Daddy A and probably my Mom too.

What am I looking foward to?....This won't change until after the 29th......THE 1ST ULTRASOUND!!!

Without further ado, here is my 6 week picture. I don't feel like I look this "big" and I quote big because I know I'm not but I really don't think I look like this. Maybe it's just a little bloat. lol

And here are weeks 4, 5 and 6 all next to each other....oh, and I'm not pushing it out either. lol

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