So, here we are at 7 weeks as of yesterday! Wow, I can't believe we've known about this pregnancy for almost 4 full weeks. I feel like it was just yesterday that we found out. Is that a precursor of how fast this whole pregnancy is going to go? I'll be honest with you, I do want the first trimester to go fast because well, a couple reasons; 1) I'm hoping the morning sickness will go away and 2) after the first tri, your chances of miscarrying go way down.
In 2 days, we get to see our peanut. OMG, we're sooooo excited to finally see what's going on in there. I'm preparing myself that we may not hear the heartbeat but I know we will see it. I'm also hoping that my due date will be changed to make me further along. I really don't think that's going to happen though as I KNOW when I ovulated so we shall see.
How am I feeling?.... Well, actually, pretty good. No wonderful but ok. I have my good and bad days. When it's a bad day, it isn't fun, all I want to do is lay down and take a nap. I really hate working right now and I blame it on being pregnant. I mean, I've never liked working but right now, I HATE it! I'm not sure why.
What am I looking forward to.... I told you, I'd talk about it every week until it happened SO.....I'm really looking forward to our ultrasound on Wednesday morning. It's going to be such a surreal feeling.
Any weight gain yet? Shockingly, no. I'm really happy and surprised about this. Although, I haven't been eating a ton because of the m/s and I haven't been craving any sweets. The mere thought of sweets actually makes me feel sick and I'm a sweets lover! Nothing has really given me a craving yet except the McDonald's fries and Mac 'n' Cheese. My good friend, Taylor, helped me with the Mac 'n' Cheese though. She made us a big tin of it and let me tell you, it's yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy!!
I bought a belly band. I'm not in need of it yet but I thought I would probably need it in a few weeks so I bought it to be prepared. It feels so weird, it's pretty tight feeling but I guess it has to be tight to hold on my unbuttoned pants. haha
How big is baby?...Aww, the size of a blueberry. How cute! :-)
Sleep?...I'm still doing pretty good with sleep, thank God. I know that will change once my belly gets bigger.
Emotions...Well, they go up and down. haha Today I had a down day. I just wanted to cry at work for no reason too. Sigh!!! And it's only going to get worse. My poor hubby!
New nipples are burning. Oh what fun! HA! They are also growing already. I really hope they don't grow TOO big TOO fast because bra's are expensive and I'm not ready to buy newer, bigger ones. Sheesh!
Well, here is what you're all really waiting for....week 7's picture. Now, I swear, I don't look like this in normal street clothes and I'm not pushing it out at all.
Here's week six next to week 7.
Week 7's picture makes me think it's a girl because it looks pretty high. Now, I know this isn't an accurate indicator but I'm going to think that. lol I can't wait to see what the heart rate is going to be so I can guess on that too. :-)
Here is a little prayer for week 7 from a book my Mom got me. It's a beautiful book that I think every pregnant woman should have.
"Lord, my baby's heart has been beating for a couple of weeks, but now it can be detected by an ultrasound. I can't wait to see and hear that little hear beating for myself!
My baby's heart has both a right and left chamber now. Every day his inner workings get more and more complex- readying this little person for the outside world.
God, I know that the actual heart isn't where our emotions live-but that's the symbolism we use in our culture. I so want my child to be tender-hearted, never calloused or uncaring. I want him to empathize with the plight of others. I wan his heart to be pliable-easily squeezed with joy and even easily constricted with pain. I hate to think of his heart being broken, but a heart heart lacks the capacity to know true love.
Lord, will you give him a soft heart, yet protect it as well? May he have a heart for the things you love.
In Jesus' name, Amen."
I went through the "I hate work" phase too, its totally the first tri hormones and exhaustion. Just nap as much as you can and go to bed as early as you can, it'll go away in a couple of weeks. Yay for the blueberry baby! :D